Issues to Be Raised at the Next Board Meeting

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If there is an issue that you would like to be raised at the next Board meeting, please include it in the list below. The list will be cleared following each meeting. If you feel that your issue was not adequately addressed at the meeting, please feel free to add it to the list again, with additional detail as needed, and it will be raised at the following meeting.

Next meeting

Time: TBD
Place: (Webchat)
Chair: To Be Determined


  • Issue 1: Transfer of domains from matt_ to SN PBC.
  • Issue 2: Progress on change of fiscal year end. _matt
  • Issue 3: Statement of current financial position by Treasurer.
  • Issue 4: Approve Treasurer CPA spend of ~$1200 (Treasurer to itemise retainer vs. one-off fees here).