This is a list of tasks or projects that should be tackled as soon as possible. STAFF MEMBERS: Please add items from your to do lists, organize as you see fit, and remove anything you know to be completed already. Also, consider visiting the similar Open Projects or the Suggestions pages.
Staff Organization
- Formulate Plan
- Vision
- Bylaws
- Develop task-list of ongoing duties from each "group"
- Staff
- Get "true" staff emails (not forwards) to all staff that want them
- Migrate mailing list address to new addresses
- Volunteers
- Outline difference between volunteer VS staff
- Develop process for becoming staff (get email, get on mailing list, privileges etc)
- Create address and link in Main Soylent pages, IRC, Wiki (workaround is
- Develop system for recruiting/organizing volunteers
- SN Story Submission: Volunteers Needed (after determining which skills we need most i.e. perl, editors)
- Regular status updates with key leaders
- Organize staff, delegate tasks to appropriate people
- Fire people when it isn't working out sooner rather than later (this should go in ongoing duties task-list once created)
Tackle Immediately:
- Ensure staff have privileges in all platforms we use
- Implement a keymaster system (where passwords are controlled by multiple parties)
- Single sign on to all services (register once, central administration)
- self-hosted DNS?
Nice To have:
- Implement Fire-hose of some kind
- Make sure the SSL login page points to an SSL page, the cookie needs HTTPS headers set (this should be a bug?)(collected via Suggestions)
- Add markdown support, example: (this is also in the Suggestions que, could be removed from this list for now as is non-essential IMO mrcoolbp (talk) 22:54, 7 March 2014 (UTC))
- Make it easy for people to submit bugs (bugs@ email? also a suggestion for doing it via slash)
- need to update bug links (now on github) from various places (done?)
- System for keeping old UIDs (may be impossible without changing everyone's UIDs, move to scrap idea THEN remove info in FAQ and Migration of users page mrcoolbp (talk) 22:54, 7 March 2014 (UTC))
- Determine Communication Forum
- Keep mailing list
- redmine (this would require some ruby on rails help devs)
- Use slashcode (would require tweaks but we could test new code while communicating, moderating best ideas etc.)
- Aquire concensus
- Cut the dead weight (i.e. forums)
- Refine Suggestions system
- Develop process to select good items, hold vote, then implement
- Automate *ways to post* suggestions that all end up in same place (suggestions@ email and !suggestions irc are forwarded to an email and are manually added)
- This could all be done with slash
- Clarify our stance on vulgarity in comments (ALL CAPS is preventing posting in some cases (filter) swears seem to work)
- Contact CmdrTaco via twitter?
- IRC log links need updating in various places <-
- New Name contest (final one, we hope)
- Summarize staff meeting(s) (or not?)(move to Editors section?)
- Create and Submit a press release
- Develop editorial process, informed by Poll results
- Publish public editorial guidelines document
- Documentation pages (FAQ, "Authors" page) <- LaminatorX is working on FAQ
- Choose incorporation model
- Carry out necessary tasks to achieve chosen incorporation model status
- Solicit legal advice:
- Requirements for keeping logs of user activity
- How to respond to DMCA takedown requests
- Identify the legal (copyright?) implications of cross-posting (reposting stories posted elsewhere)
- Incorporation Model-dependent items:
- Swag? (sync with art)
- Marketing - Do we do it? how do we do it?
- Ads?
- Donations?
- social media, do we want to pursue it? who? How?
- change "Read More" to button.
- Kill D2
- fix all buttons to have proper case
- bug 48 fix log in screen ul list
- fix bug #68 some links are worn color in comment details trace JS loads to fix JS re-size of certain elements on mobile devices.
- style blockquote and see what is up with quote
- add hyperlink to article story title to story page per bug 106
- style input boxes to have better border contrast per bug 107
- add night mode skin per 112
- make sure site displays “Log In” and “Log Out” per bug 116
- fix journal template to fix broken link title tex per bug 118
- fix preference pages per many bugs
- fix relationships ui as per bug 37
- Nuke Force Forge from orbit
- Migrate anything useful from forums to wiki (in progress).
- Nuke forums from orbit.
- Install Renameuser extension so a rename requested by Stderr dk to "Stderr" can be completed.
- Enable uploads on the wiki so we don't have to rely on external links to Imgur, Photobucket, etc.
- Install SyntaxHighlight GeSHi extension that can syntax highlight any code that gets posted to the wiki in areas such as CssWork.
- Use $wgRCFeeds (and an IRC bot that can post UDP feeds) for the recent changes feed in #wiki instead of Atom.
- Update MediaWiki from 1.22.2 to 1.22.3.
- Allow users to add suggestions anonymously (via IRC !suggestion command)
Style / MrBluze
- Define single column layout requirements - nearly done.
- Work with FrogBlast to get the full icon set done - in progress. <--suggest moving to Open Projects mrcoolbp (talk) 02:52, 10 March 2014 (UTC)
- Review/upgrade logo/banner art (with FrogBlast) - in progress. <--suggest moving to Open Projects mrcoolbp (talk) 02:52, 10 March 2014 (UTC)
- Typographic and typesetting guidelines (with LaminatorX) - awaiting feature request, then work with CSS ppl on a specification
- Weekly comic