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I am about to make a change that will affect maybe two dozen perl pages. I thinkit might be a good idea to consider style in how we do this now.

The initial days of this project were pure terror, and it is understandable that changes were made quickly and without much in the way of comment or attribution. However, the threat level is now down a bit closer to 'Pure Panic'. So I think it wise to at least begin to consider this.

The existing code style is, well, lets just call it 'inconsistent' and the commenting style might charitably be described as 'spartan'.

We have a mass of code which no one here had anything to do with the writing of, and which we do not yet fully understand.

Given this, I suggest out commenting style should be a bit closer to 'voluminous' than 'spartan'. This will allow us to actually help each other as we try to make sense of this code.

Here is a simple code change Iam about to make to many pages, with its comments, and I believe it may have some useful characteristics we might follow in the future: